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Thursday's Thoughts

Coach Tavia

“To whom much is given much is required.”

Take a deep breath and soak in the words again... exhale...

What’s your special gift... your God given talent... the thing you are most passionate about?

What are you doing with your gift... how are you sharing it with others?

Think about it....

Maxwell reminds us that our gift(s), our power(s) are meant to empower others. They can be used this way:

Accountability- help others keep their commitments

Affirmation- speak words of support and encouragement

Assessment- evaluate others progress and be objective

Advice- offer wise counsel and direction

Admonishment- lens words of caution or correction when needed

Assets- give tangible resources to help others achieve

Acceptance- provide unconditional love regardless of the recipients’ identity

Application- help find places for others to practice and apply what they learn

I challenge you to become an “A” student. Review the power goals above and EMPOWER others. Share your gifts!

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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