"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
-Bruce Lee
Good Morning Leaders:
When was the last time you took a moment to personally reflect?
... think about that for a moment....
In your work environments, after a project, do you and your team discuss results and make time to think about how even positive results could be improved...?
How much time to we give to self reflection and really thinking?
Take a deep breath... sit with that question for a moment until you come up with an honest answer...
Not enough time, is my belief. Even when we schedule time to reflect and debrief at work, it's rushed. We work on autopilot, looking to complete a task, check off another box on the to do list with little thought or concern with the why and how of the matter...
I encourage you to intentionally find ways to include powerful and thought provoking questions into your personal and professional lives:
It helps you learn about the person/people you're are speaking with and how they think... building relationships: Is it more important to do things right or do the right things?
Helps develop personal accountability: What could you have done differently? What was an even better way to handle that?
Helps build trust when people feel valued: Taking a fresh look at this, which of your talents can you use to improve on what you did/said?
Challenges you to go beyond your limitations/create a more meaningful existence: What would you change about this world?
How will you create a safe space that encourages those around you to share their thoughts?
In your professional role, where can you make time for you and your team to reflect?
#think, #questioneverything, #curiosity, #maketime, #levelup, #Justdoit, #powerfulquestions, #thoughtprovokingquestions, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach
Your thoughts matter. Make time to think and share your thoughts and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
The Benefits of Leaders Asking Powerful Questions:
40 Deep and Thought-Provoking Questions That Make You Think: