“Sometimes you are your own worst enemy, and sometimes, you are your own best friend. It’s all a matter of perspective.”
-Gay Hendricks
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
What’s your perspective? Think about that for a moment...
perspective: /noun/
a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
It’s not natural to focus on self. It can be difficult at times to view one’s circumstances as positive.
How can you be your own best friend?
urbandictionary.com describes a best friend this way:
A best friend is
someone who is there for you through thick and thin.
someone who listens and understands you.
someone you can call anytime about anything you feel you need to 'tell' or 'vent'.
someone who will stand up for you in the times when you need it most, keep your secrets close
someone you can trust with your life. They will support you in any decision you make even if it's hard for them.
someone who is there for you as much as they can be and does and says whatever they can to up your mood in down times. You can be your COMPLETE and total self around this person without feeling uncomfortable. You can say or do anything, and your relationship never changes.
someone who literally feels sent from heaven to make your life that much easier.
Someone who will do almost anything for you as you would do for them
someone who loves you no matter what kind of stupid things you do. This person will always want the best for you, as you will always want for them. And as much as people change- Your love with a REAL best friend will never fade through all the phases of life and problems that come a long with it.
Today’s Affirmation: From Iyanla Vanzant’s book Until today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind
I am devoted to affirming, supporting and staying focused on my goals.
If you are looking for ways to help you stay on track and successfully reach your goals, take a look at these strategies below.
Determine Your Reality.
Make a conscious effort to be self-aware of your ideas and pay attention to your thoughts and the feelings they evoke.
What causes you to become frustrated, upset, or anxious? Learn and grow...
Start Your Day Strong.
A positive attitude is easier when your morning routine supports your long-term goals and mental health.
Affirmations and statements that you make intentionally using your voice to speak good words over your life is a powerful tool for giving you a positive mental attitude.
Exercise in the morning is another way to jump-start your positive body, mind, and soul for the day ahead. Especially when you’ve already met your target by 7:00AM
Hang out With Positive People. Positive people are frequently adept at offering a sympathetic ear, encouraging advice, and other assistance! Positive energy is contagious. Choose your friends carefully; their level of positivity—or lack thereof—can greatly impact you.
Staying Focused:
Get Inspired by Books, Audio, and Videos.
Reading a good book can help boost confidence and give you the hope and motivation needed to get things done.
Also, social media is flowing with many creative videos and audios curated with the content from such books that appeal to all generations.
Affirming, supporting , and staying focused.
What are you willing to do?
Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#bepositive, #positiveselftalk, #trustyourself, #learnandgrow, #youmatter, #honoryourself, #live, #ownyourpower, #ittakescourage, #commitment, #thinkforyourself, #believe, #beconsistent, #selfawareness, #selfdiscovery, #maximizeyourpotential, #shareyourgifts, #seizeopportunity, #becreative, #reflect, #reach, #stretch, #bepresent, #faith, #confidence, #dothework, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment
Benefits of Thinking Positively, and How to Do It
15 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude Every Day
Five Keys To Maintaining A Positive Mindset
Vanzant, Iyanla; Until Today: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind. Atria, New York, NY 2020.