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Monday Madness

Coach Tavia

“All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve.”

Good Morning:

Today I am grateful for creativity:

(noun) the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

If you google “creativity”, it is described as the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.

Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions...

Quite a mouth full. But its a simple word that I think we all take for granted. Creativity is grossly underrated and can give all humans an edge if we allow it.

How creative are you?

I was just reading on LinkedIn that creativity is one of the primary skills that will set people apart in the workplace. I's the age of Artificial Intelligence.

“Robots currently can’t compete with humans on creativity.

When was the last time you thought about creativity?

Creativity solves problems, Think about it... How many times have you had to think quick, on the spot, and it was your personal creativity that got you through...?

Creativity increases clarity. When you pause and think, it is your creative genius that sparks the idea.

How can we make this presentation more interesting? It's Friday afternoon, what will make people want to come to this meeting?

Creativity Sparks Innovation. Have you ever been in the middle of cooking, you discover you are missing on of the main ingredients... and there it is you invent a new dish. Mothers are good at creative ways of altering recipes to get there children to eat more vegetables.

I am right handed and live alone. After rotatory cuff surgery, on my right shoulder, I invented many ways to get dressed, cook, open things,,, LOL. You can laugh. (What picture comes to your mind? LOLROF)

What have you invented?

...Think about it... there might be a patent you need to file for that could make millions....

Creativity is important because it has the ability to 1. renew motivation, 2. crank up productivity, and 3. promote positivity:

Today's Challenge:  Nurture your creativity. Identify an activity that is repetitive and boring in your life... think out of the box for a moment.. What is one simple change you can make, tapping into your creative style?

Have fun... and challenge a friend to do the same.

Sing at the copy machine... Dance while taking attendance... where bright colors today... smile at everybody for no reason at all... blast your favorite song... stuck in traffic, who say's you can't dance...

Watch how time files and your experience changes!

How will you infuse creativity into your day?

What's your takeaway?

"The future workplace is going to demand new ways of thinking, and human creativity is the key to it.”

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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