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Monday Madness

Coach Tavia

Good Morning to my Beautiful Leaders!

How do you handle conflict?  

What role do you play?

Think about that for a moment...

“When three people call you an ass, put on your bridle.”

          -Spanish Proverb

I had a good laugh when I read this.... (I’m still laughing as 3 people I know immediately came to mind... LOLROF).

Do you handle conflict head on, directly, assertively... or do you go to great lengths to avoid it..?

Be honest and assess yourself...

What role do you play in matters of conflict?

Are you the:  avoider, subject changer, joker, deflector...

Or are you the:  trivial tyrannizer-doing little annoying things to a person instead of expressing your anger directly

Maybe even a:  pseudo accommodatoryou appear to give in... carrying around resentment and storing it up over time...

Do any of the above sound like you... something to think about.

What do you hear me saying?  Don’t be an ass... (LOL)!

We often go to great lengths to avoid conflict.  Some really creative ways that take quite a bit of thoughtful energy...  But that doesn’t solve the problem.  

I challenge you to examine the roles you most often take in times of conflict.  Acknowledge the feelings conflict brings you... anger, fear, anxiety, discomfort, resentment... take responsibility for the way you feel.

Leaders, being direct is not always easy, but hiding behind a curtain of pretense is far more difficult. 

Be you but better and watch what happens!

(Inspired by Gay Hendricks. A Year of Living Consciously)

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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