“I wish for you a healthy dose of struggle that gives long/term love it’s depth, laced with the laughter and intimacy that layer partnership with so much richness.”
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
As we welcome the month of November lets bring our attention to relationships.
In your most significant relationship, what is your expectation? Think about that for a moment... don’t rush to answer...
Reading an excerpt this morning from Gay Hendricks, A year of Living Consciously the concept of how real life intrudes on ones idea of how relationships are supposed to go was introduced. The Once upon a time scenario to … and they lived happily ever after ending.
On this topic of fantasy verses reality, Hendricks asks:
What is your fairy tale?
What did you once think your marriage or long-term relationship would be like?
How has that rose-colored vision changed because of reality?
I challenge you to take time to consider how you would answer those.
Now focus your present significant relationship and ask yourself the following:
What don’t I have that I always thought I’d have?
What do I have that I never expected?
How far apart are my fantasy and reality?
Fantasy and fairy tales are not bad things. But also, consider the value gained in leaning and growing from the many challenges relationships endure when we invest our time and reflect on them. Reread Gay Hendrick's quote above?
What do you believe his intended lesson is? This mind is a powerful thing... What's your perspective..?
Knowledge is power! Great relationships don’t happen by luck. There are specific skills and actions that strengthen our relationships. In the references below, check out the article from lifehack.org 21 Ways to Strengthen Struggling Relationships.
What are you willing to do to strengthen your relationship? Consider starting the conversation with your partner..
Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional. Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#keeprising, #gratitude, #reach, #stretch, #honoryourself, #youmatter, #faceyourfears, #learnandgrow, #selfawareness, #selfimprovement, #selfcompassion, #faith, #believe, #ittakescourage, #focus, #shift, #trustyourself, #dothework, #shareyourgifts, #releaseyourpower, #knowyourworth, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment, #letsgo
Hendricks, Gay; A year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose. Harper One, New York, NY 1998.
21 Ways To Strengthen Struggling Relationships