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Monday Madness

Tavia Robinson

“You may be able to do some wonderful things with a handful of top people, but if you want your team to do well over the long haul, you’ve got to build your bench.”

-John C Maxwell

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

What are you doing to build your bench? Think about that for a moment... Spend some time with this question...

A great starter alone is simply not enough if a team wants to go to the highest level.
Any team that wants to excel must have good substitutes as well as starters.

Understanding Maxwell’s sport reference, it’s clear one can apply this lesson to any industry or profession. Successful companies with longevity in business, are those who have made team building (strengthening their bench) part of the company culture.

If you are looking for ways to strengthen your bench, Forbes magazine presents these tips:

How To Build A Strong Team Culture In Seven Steps (

1. Define your team culture: Gather your team, and explain how your culture is defined. Each one of us would be better at what we do by pulling together as a cohesive group. Foster strong team synergy. Differing ideas become problem-solving collaborations, and shared visions bring the future into better focus.

2. Explore how others do it: As your team culture evolves, consider incorporating ideas from organizations with proven track records.

3. Recognize how you set the tone: Your company’s team culture is a reflection of your strengths. Make that work for you by instilling your professional personality into developing employee collaboration. Let your enthusiasm inspire team energy, and let your self-discipline serve as a guide to channeling that power.

4. Define your core values and company mission: Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your most important personal values?

  • Are they the same values you place on professional success?

  • Do you look for these qualities in the people you hire?

  • What would you never tolerate in the workplace?

Your answers set teamwork standards for everything from job performance to customer service.

5. Keep expectations clear: It’s critical to explain to your team what you expect from them 100% of the time. Preserve your company culture by quickly responding to employees who don’t set goals, assume responsibility or respond to feedback.

6. Keep building a team culture: This requires regular doses of positive reinforcement.

  • Encouraging off-site lunches for launching new projects.

  • Offering one-on-one mentoring to address in-house problems.

  • Suggesting group involvement in local charity events.

  • Hosting employee family activities on the weekends.

7. Make caring part of the job: The best business culture creates a companywide sense of responsibility. Build team unity on foundations of respect, responsibility, patience and honesty. It all makes caring a part of the job. That builds positive attitudes and a winning team culture. It’s simply good business.

Today’s Challenge: Focus on strengthening your bench and improve company culture.

  • Leaders, self-asses. and do an analysis of you company culture.

  • Review the 7 Steps above

  • Start the conversation with your leadership teams and those you supervise.

  • Develop a plan. Hold each other accountable. Learn and grow together.

What are you willing to do to be part of the solution?

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional... Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Maxwell, John C; Leadership Promises for Everyday, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN 2003.

How To Build A Strong Team Culture In Seven Steps




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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