“Don’t should on other people and don’t let them should on you.”
-Iyanla Vanzant
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Think of a time you did something only because someone told you you should...
How did it turn out? give it some thought, whether good or bad, what was the result..?
What did you learn from the experience? be as detailed as possible...
Question from the author of today's quote:
*How does it feel to know that you may have given away your power? This is what caught my attention... what are your thoughts?..
should /verb/ :
used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions. (Oxford Dictionary)
The dictionary definition made me pause. I'm not sure if I considered the meaning of should and how often it is actually used...
Iyanla Vanzant’s perspective on *should:
Should is a judgment we make based on our experiences and perceptions.
Should is an expression of fear.
Should is a way we control others.
Should takes us on a guilt trip and limits our capacity to grow.
Should limits us to what is comfortable.
Should keeps us in a place that is familiar.
Should makes us responsible to someone other than ourselves when we know that is not the way we should live.
How does the author's perspective resonate with you? Worth spending some time thinking about...
Today’s Challenge: As you move through the day, take notice of how you and those around you use the word should. Remind yourself:
Self, *I should do only those things that feel right for me.
Be present: “Enjoy where you are on the way to where you’re going.”
Trust yourself: You have a right to your uniqueness.
Learn and grow: Face your fears, if you fall, learn the lesson and move forward
How will you commit to doing only those things that feel right for you?
What are you willing to do?
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#learnandgrow, #yourchoice, #yourjourney, #ittakescourage, #confidence, #justdoit, #selfawareness, #faceyourfears, #honoryourself, #commitment, #intention, #standup, #speakup, #youhavearighttoyouruniqueness, #shareyourgifts, #learnthelesson, #powerforward, #bepresent, #leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoach, #lifecoach, #letsgo,
*Vanzant, Iyanla; Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color, Atria an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York, NY 2020.