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Monday Madness

Coach Tavia

“Our hopes and desires may be able to weather the criticism of a stranger, but they have a more difficult time surviving when undermined by a friend.”

-John C. Maxwell

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:  

Take a deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  calm your mind and be present...

I am positive I’m not the only person that has experienced the negative energy of a dream killer.     

When it is a family member or close friend, it cuts deeper...

How do you respond when someone close to you seems to undermine your success, dreams or goals? 

...Think about that for a moment...

undermine  |  verb  lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.

Who comes to mind for you... do you recognize the behavior? shares these 3 "Dream Killers" to look out for:

1. People may criticize you for pursuing your dream:

Don’t buy into it, because if you do, it will just break down your dream. When people criticize others, they are coming from a place of fear. 

2. Some people will tease you about your dream:

Masking criticism with teasing is still criticism. It’s just dressed up nice and pretty. So make sure you recognize it when you see it.

3. People may ignore or avoid talking about your dream or avoid talking to you altogether:

If pursuing your dream makes others uncomfortable, they may just take the avoidance route.  Remember that this is their problem, not yours.

What will you do the next time you are in a similar situation?

...Knowledge is power!

1. Thank them for their opinion:

This will disarm the criticizer.  Say something like, “I appreciate you sharing your opinion with me. It gives me something to think about. However, I am still passionate about pursuing my dream, so I will take your advice into consideration in the future if I need to do so.”

2. Talk to them about it:

This is a very valuable way to clear the air.  “I get the impression you do not think me pursuing my dream is a good choice. Am I right? I would like to talk to you more about it and explain why I am so passionate about it.”  Refrain from becoming defensive.

3. Ignore talking about your dream to avoid their negativity:

If the topic comes up in conversation, you can gently remind them that since they are not supportive, you would rather not talk about it. If you continue to be exposed to their negativity, it can affect you–but only if you allow it to. Simply avoiding the topic might be the best option with some people.

4. Sever ties with them:

Obviously, this depends on the type of relationship. Having their “naysayer attitude” out of your life for good might help you stay focused on your dream.

5. Listen to them:

That doesn’t mean that you have to follow what they say, but gathering as much information and opinions as you can is actually a good thing. Being open to advice will allow you to be flexible with your strategies to achieve your dreams. Maybe something they say will help you in the long run.

6. Keep going anyway:

Don’t give up!  Nothing is impossible! If you want it badly enough, you will find a way. Keep your passion, and you will definitely make your dreams come true.

I challenge you to keep pursuing your dreams and never give up!

What are you willing to do to see your dream come to fruition?

...your dream, your plan, your choice...

Don’t miss your opportunity!  Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article:

3 Ways People Try to Kill Your Dream and What You Can Do About It:




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