“I’ve been really benefiting in recent years from focusing on activities that are in what I call my Zone of Genius. There are things that I’m uniquely suited to do, and which serve my highest purposes for my life. While I like the people I’ve met from your company, and while I think the devices are useful, I’m going to turn down your generous offer because it doesn’t fit in the sweet spot of my Zone of Genius.”
-Gay Hendricks
Hello Everyone,
I hope you have been enjoying the holiday and time with family and friends. I encourage you to bring all the positive energy with you as you gear up for the New Year.
The quote above is taken from The Big Leap. by Gay Hendricks. It is a letter he writes turning down a offer to do some work for a company.
How do Hendricks words resonate with you?
...Pause for a moment, take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... be present with your thoughts....
What would operating in your Zone of Genius look like...feel like...?
...thing about that...
What's your plan to move forward... What steps will you take?
I challenge you to share your gifts... follow your passion... Set achievable goals... Prioritize... and make bold moves to find the sweet spot of your Zone of Genius!
#letsgo, #focus, #whatsuccesslookslike, #shareyourgifts, #youoweittoyourself. #befearless, #followyourpassion, #youwerebornforthis, #ittakescourage, #beempowered, #levelup, #changeisgood, #creativity, #live, #faith, #2020goals
You got this!
Coach Tavia
“I’M” going to turn down...because it doesn’t fit in the sweet spot of “MY ZONE OF GENIUS”...whew! That hit different....The energy in that mindset felt like a POWERSHIFT coming into alignment. The energy in this feels GOOD and how I want to move going forward! ❤️