"Remember: We all get what we tolerate. So stop tolerating excuses within yourself, limiting beliefs of the past, or fearful states."
Good Morning!
I'm going to dive right in today and ask that you think about this as you approach this day. Ask yourself:
What am tolerating from myself or others, that goes against my values?
Why do I make excuses for behavior that is holding me back and limiting my progress?
Take a deep breath... exhale slowly... and think about that for a moment...
When will it stop?
Friends, I challenge you to stop limiting yourself TODAY. The only thing that is keeping you from achieving what you want is your belief in yourself.
5 Positive Ways to Build Your Belief in Yourself: by-John Addison
1, Examine your thoughts and surround yourself with positive people.
2. Take small steps... set daily goals and make it your business to achieve them.
3. Change your mindset... rid your mind of negative self-talk. Pay attention to when it pups up and turn it around.
4, Go for it! Just do it. Stop worrying, life is too short!
5. Be the best you you can be. You are the only you there will ever be on this planet. Know your value and share your gifts.
#mindset, #Justdoit, #focus, #knowyourworth, #shareyourgifts, #beyoubutbetter, #noexcuses, #levelup, #encourageothers, "#limitless, #fearless, #letsgo
"I'm not interested in your limiting beliefs;I'm interested in what makes you limitless."
You got this!
Coach Tavia