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Monday Madness

Coach Tavia

"Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"

-Marianne Williamson, "Our Deepest Fear"

Good Morning Leaders,

How confident are you?

Confident: a feeling of self-assurance arising from ones appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.

How important to you is confidence?

Think about that for a moment... Sit with the question.... dig past the surface answer...

When you think of a person you admire for their confidence. . How would you describe them?

Top 10 Traits of a Confident and Competent Leader: by Peter Barron Stark

1, Positive- confident leaders truly believe they can make a difference in the world, and their positive vision allows them to lead positive conversations.

2. Admit what they don't know- confident leaders are comfortable telling people that they don't have all the answers but will work at figuring it out.

3. Talk less- Confident leaders are comfortable listening to others and choosing their words carefully to make a point.

4. Ask questions- Confident leaders ask questions to educate themselves and encourage others to step up and contribute their knowledge and ideas.

5. Express Gratitude- Confident leaders are comfortable giving credit and recognition where it is due and the ability to lift others up when they need it.

6. Take risks- (at least calculated risks) Confident leaders believe they can successfully accomplish their goals, and pursue them regardless of uncertainty.

7. Accept compliments- (Simply say "thank you for taking the time to share positive feedback", instead of discounting the compliment) Confident leaders know that if they don't feel worthy of praise, others will soon stop providing them with positive feedback.

8. Motivated by negative people- Confident people readily admit that they are where they are today because someone told them something could not be done. When confident people hear "you can't do that" or "That won't work" it triggers the "Watch me!" response.

9. Remain calm- Confident people have a knack for combining their positive vision with less talking and asking more questions which has a calming effect in difficult situations.

10. Take action- Confident people believe they can, set more goals, take decisive action, and get more things done.

Something to think about for sure... "Good is the enemy of great". Great leaders remain confident regardless of the circumstances. They recognize and appreciate the confidence in others and have the ability to instill confidence in others.

How will you intentionally be great today?

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Articles:

Top 10 Traits of a Confident & Competent Leader

10 reasons why Confidence Leads to Success




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