"So the work continues. And for all the young women in this room, all the young men, we can never be complacent. Because we have seen in recent times how quickly things can be taken away if we aren’t vigilant, if we don’t know our history, if we don’t continue the work."
-Michelle Obama
We can’t afford to be complacent... we must be vigilant...
Wise advice from former FLOTUS...
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause for a moment: ...take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Where is your focus?
What area(s) do you need to pay more attention to?
Complacent | adjective showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.
A complacent person is described as someone who is overly content. The literal meaning of this word's Latin root is "very pleased," but even though complacent people may seem pleased with themselves, we are rarely pleased with them.
One of the biggest problems faced in many work environments is complacency.. Employees become accustomed to doing things in a certain way or duties flowing a certain way they begin to grow oblivious to the hazards that may be present around them. Safety, which we often take for granted, now becomes an issue.
How will you avoid becoming complacent?
5 Steps To Avoid Complacency*
1. Start every day from scratch. Sustainable excellence is about getting better every day. Continuous improvement is not a cliche' but rather a way of life.
2. Surround yourself with people who tell you like it is. Beware of those who want to be associated with success, but who aren't willing to pay the price to achieve it themselves.
3. Focus on the process instead of the outcome. Successful people, organizations, and relationships develop a process for achieving and sustaining excellence and follow it with discipline. If they don't achieve their goals, they adjust the process.
4. Continuously learn and adapt. Know your audience, pay attention...
5. Recharge the batteries. Build in time for rest, relaxation, hobbies, reflection, and quality time with family and friends. This is what gives you the energy to continue to compete, innovate, and succeed.
Time is up! Focus... regroup... recharge... recommit... Lets be intentional and encourage others to do the same. There's work to be done! Watch what happens...
What steps will you take to avoid complacency?
You got this!
#responsibility, #accountability, #learnandgrow, #shareyourgifts, #dothework, #focus, #knowyourhistory, #standup, #speakup, #womenshistory, #meaningfulmonday, #justdoit, #levelup, #letsgo, #leadbyexample, #riseanduplift
Coach Tavia
*Related Article: 5 Steps To Avoid Complacency