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Meaningful Monday

Coach Tavia

”Our responsibility as citizens is to address the inequalities and injustices that linger, and we must secure our birthright freedoms for all people.”

-Barack Obama

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause right here, take a deep breath in, exhale slowly...  deep breath in, exhale slowly...  deep breath in, exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

These are strange times we find our selves in.  The words of our 44th president of the United States hit differently for me today than they may have 5 years ago.

As a citizen, what are you responsible for?

...spend some time here... dig deep... the question may not have a quick easy answer...

Gay Hendricks, in his book, a year of living consciously, speaks about the battle between the “orthodox” and the “heretical” that often lies inside us:

orthodox |  conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved.


heretical |  holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted

In other words:

Do you want to be right or do you want to be free?

...Ask I go along to get along... follow the rules... if my own thoughts deep inside are telling me otherwise...

It would be wonderful to have both. It's human nature to want to be right and do the right thing. At the same time, I believe many of us take freedom for granted. It's not something we generally talk about. Most of us believe we were born free until we experience situations that prove otherwise... think about it... Most of us believe we think for ourselves until we are forced to have to make a choice between an established or approved rule that is at odds with a personal belief we value.

What's your responsibility?

...All or part...

What are you willing to take responsibility for?

Who are you serving?

...think about it...

What's the cost?


Today's Challenge: Acknowledge the orthodox and the heretic living in your own mind.

Say to yourself:

  • "I like to be right and I like to be free."

  • Make friends with both of them

  • Is there one (the orthodox or heretic) that stands out to you that you need/want to work on keeping alive..?

Knowledge is power... learn and grow... be responsible and make informed choices.

Make this a Meaningful Monday. Be intentional and watch what happens. Encourage other to do the same.

You got this!

Coach Tavia



Coach Tavia
Feb 10, 2020

Brenda, your feedback means a lot. We are all different yet all here in the struggle fighting the good fight. I attempt to remain open enough to consider the perspective of others. I appreciate you!


Brenda Hilaire
Brenda Hilaire
Feb 10, 2020

I love your prospective Sis! Thank you for adding another dimension to my day!


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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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