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Meaningful Monday

Coach Tavia

“Our minds are our own worst enemies; the mind harbors characters that actively sabotage our happiness and success.”

-Shirzad Chamine

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

What or who are your personal saboteurs?

Think about that for a moment...

saboteurs | noun a person who engages in sabotage.

a person who destroys or damages something deliberately

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening a polity effort, or organization through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. Saboteurs typically try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions and to avoid Invoking legal and organizational requirements for addressing sabotage. (Wikipedia)

Saboteurs are sneaky characters. They are gifted liars that can convince you they are looking out for you, supporting you, helping you get things done.

Who or what comes to mind for you? thing... what comes to mind...

I’d like to introduce you to these 10 characters to be on the lookout for:

1. The Judge: "The master saboteur."

Focuses on the negative in self, others, conditions and circumstances.

Subverted Strength: Discernment, responsibility, and accountability

The lie: without it you or others would be lazy unambiguous underachievers.

2. The Avoider:

Avoids difficult and unpleasant tasks and conflicts. Procrastinates.

Subverted Strength: Appreciation and positivity

The Lie: I'm just being positive, no good comes from dealing with conflict.

3. The Controller:

Has a need to always control and dominate.

Subverted Strength: Confidence and initiative

The Lie: Controlling always ensures the best results

4. The Hyper-Achiever:

Narrow focus on achievement to the detriment of relationships, balance, and perspective.

Subverted Strength: Goal and achievement orientation.

The Lie: The greatest success comes from achievement at all cost.

5. The Hyper-Rational:

Over-application of rational function in dealing with people and emotions.

Subverted Strength: Objectivity and logic

The Lie: Emotions are useless distractions. The rational mind is the most important helpful form of intelligence you possess.

6. The Hyper-Vigilant:

Continuous intense anxiety about dangers and what could go wrong.

Subverted Strength: Reliability and dependability

The Lie: The best way to protect self and others is through hyper-vigilance.

7. The Pleaser:

Constantly helping, pleasing, or rescuing others, hoping to be liked.

Subverted Strength: Caring and compassion

The Lie: I do this to help and expect nothing in return.

8. The Restless:

Constant need for busyness. Rarely at peace with current activity.

Subverted Strength: Flexibility and risk tolerance.

The Lie: This is the way to live fully, accomplish and experience the most.

9. The Stickler:

Has need for order and perfection taken too far.

Subverted Strength: Detail orientation and organization.

The Lie: Perfectionism is always the preferred way and you don’t pay a huge price for it.

10. The Victim:

Continuous focus on painful and deflating emotions.

Subverted Strength: Emotional self-awareness

The Lie: This is the best way to attract attention and affection.

From the list above, what are your top three personal saboteurs?

Spend some time here... which characters have negatively impacted your personal or professional life in some way?

Knowledge is power! Once you can identify the characters that get in your way, you can work to weaken their impact.

Today’s Challenge: Self Identification

  • Identify your top three saboteurs, give them each a name, Be creative, have fun with it. (ex: Connie The Controller)

  • Intentionally focus on situations throughout the day where these characters are present.

  • Calmly take a deep breath in and exhale as soon as you notice their presence.

  • In your mind call them out and ask them to have a seat. (ex; Sit down Connie, I got this)

Soon you will begin to notice your saboteurs having less of a negative impact.

Don’t miss your opportunity! Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours. by; Shirzad Chamine




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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