"We all have an unexpected reserve of strength inside that emerges when life puts us to the test”
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
How much fuel is in your reserve tank?
...think about that for a moment...
Where does our strength come from? I have been in my thoughts most of the weekend. Not a bad thing, actually. It was a reminder to myself how important self-care is, knowing when to step back, be alone, take time to think, and when when communicating with others and expressing your feelings is needed. In challenging times we often have to dig a little deeper.
How do you lead during turbulent times?
...Think about that for a moment... what's your plan...
Take time to breathe... literally.
As you start your day
Before of after a meeting
After a difficult or stressful encounter
While stuck in traffic
Before you go to sleep
Take 3 minutes to breathe: Make short periods of slow deep breathing a natural part of your day [1]:
Set a timer- for 3 minutes or more using your computer or mobile device
Sit comfortably... clasp your hands behind your back to open up the chest.
Gradually deepen your inhalations; slowly and fully exhale. Focus your attention on each inhalation and exhalation.
If your mind wanders, gently bring it back.
Remind yourself: “You have within you right now everything you need to deal with everything life can throw at you”
How do you lead and turn adversity into an advantage?
Leaders, rootinc.com shares 9 Insights to help you emerge even stronger than before. in their article Leading Your People in Times of Crisis [2]:
1. Don’t ignore the anxiety people feel... this only magnifies it: Empathize with how people think and feel. Bring it out into the open and make them feel safe talking about it.
2. Actively define reality: The unknown is paralyzing. People are amazingly able to deal with reality even if it has a significant downside. Uncertainty and ambiguity can be more harmful than any bad news. Be truthful!
3. Create a new starting line with your people: Letting go of what could have been is a key first step. Focus your attention and energy on the new conditions and being successful in the present environment.
4. Use urgency as an alignment ally: Analyze and act on problems. Engage people in a deeper understanding of the issues and equip them with the responses necessary to be successful. Urgency is a powerful unifying force.
5. Establish new check-in routines: Staying in touch with your people is more important than ever. Brief interactions can be opportunities to share updates with your team, highlight critical information and identify adjustments that need to be made. It's a powerful social experience to reinforce we're not alone in responding to the challenges we face.
6. Celebrate all victories, large and small: Recognize adaptive actions that get positive results. It's the singles and the doubles that allow you to emerge stronger and persevere throughout the game.
7. Scout the possibilities: Empower your people to be Opportunity Scouts. Involving your team in identifying challenges and developing a recovery plan adds value to each individual as well as the entire organization. This practice often uncovers things a leader would not discover on their own.
8. Communicate the score: Balance the tension of what's real and whats possible. In times of crisis, identifying new targets and communicating how your organization is doing is essential information to share. Develop a plan and schedule to communicate this regularly. Make it part of the culture.
9. Highlight the rays of light: Rays of light exist and should be as much a part of the narrative as any losses you experience.
No one can do it alone. There is strength in numbers. Look to your team for the advantage!
How will set yourself up for the win during these turbulent times?
...what's your advantage..?
Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#fuelup, #levelup, #learnandgrow, #youmatter, #wematter, #focus, #justdoit, #leadbyexample, #nevergiveup, #sharedresponsibility, #payattention, #letsgo, #leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoach, #lifecoach, #teamadvantage
Related Articles:
[1] 3 Ways to Stay Centered During Turbulent Times
[2] Leading Your People In Times of Crisis