“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Think about Dr. King’s words...
What matters to you?
...do you know..?
Pause here for a moment... take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... repeat three times... calm your mind and be present...
Many of us have difficulty answering this question. We haven’t taken the time to figure it out. We simply don’t know.
This plays a major role in our professional lives, as well as our personal lives and how we see opportunities.
What's the challenge for you?
...are you able to articulate for yourself what really matters... be honest... you owe it to yourself...
Do the work to figure it out! Refuse to let nervousness, lack of faith, indecisiveness, other peoples opinions keep you filling stuck and less than fulfilled. What matters to you and your devotion to it should be valued.
What action will you take?
,,,think about it... dig deep...
I challenge you to spend sometime thinking about this. Here are a few suggestions to get the thought process started:
1. Brainstorm and list the things that matter most to you. (Values... goals... passions...)
2. Visualize and define what success and happiness looks like to you.
3. Describe what brings you joy?
Think about what would happen if you showed up each day and found ways to let yourself shine in your all your authenticity, in whatever your thing is..?
What’s your plan?
Where will you add value?
You got this!
#learnandgrow, #whatmatters, #yourchoice, #focus, #dothework, #behappy, #spreadjoy, #leadbyexample, #selfactulization, #authenticityissexy, #deambig, #visualize, #speakup, #responsibility, #doyourpart, #levelup, #justdoit, #letsgo
Coach Tavia