"In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:
...Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
How important is perseverance to you?
...think about that for a moment...
perseverance | noun persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Perseverance is not giving up. It is persistence and tenacity, the effort required to do something and keep doing it till the end, even if it's hard.
What will happen if you don’t persevere?
Spend some time with this question... What will that look like? Who will it hurt? What are the implications to you personally, your family... your career...
Perseverance is key, especially during times of crises. Don't give up. Regroup. refocus, plan, and find ways to adjust and make things happen. Success.com offers 9 ways to improve your perseverance skills.
9 Ways to Improve Your Perseverance Skills:
1. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail: Without failure, you cannot become resilient. So you have to change your relationship with failure to seeing it as a lesson, rather than a setback.
What is your relationship with failure? ...you cant change what you don't acknowledge...
2. Be 1% Better Everyday: Have a growth mindset. Whatever you want to do, continue to develop those skills. Understand that these are skills like any other and try to improve upon them just 1% every day.
What skill can you work on improving as you continue to move forward?
3. Begin to Take Risks: When in those difficult situations, if you can learn to adapt and understand what steps are necessary to keep moving in the right direction, you grow as a leader.
What would you do if you knew you would not fail?
4. Understand Resistance: When one can name the resistance, it loses its power and there is more room for perseverance.
What are you resisting... what’s holding you back?
...be honest with yourself... think...
5. Exercise Regularly: Apply the “40% rule”. - if you complete 40% of the task, your likelihood of quitting drops drastically. The number 1 way to develop this skill is physical training. Training is guaranteed to carry over to your mental resilience.
What’s your daily workout routine?
...Create one if you don’t have one... 30 minutes minimum...
6. Build a Network of Support: Building a network of support will allow you to have a comfortable place to open up and get feedback and encouragement during hard times.
Whose in your support network? When was the last time you reached out to them?
...now's a good time...
7. Keep Your Goals in Mind: If you want to persevere, keep your goals in mind at all times. Start by writing down your short and long-term goals somewhere that’s easy to access. Then, anytime there’s a bump in the road, take a look at that list to inspire you and keep you moving forward.
What are your short and long-term goals?
...Write them down where they are visible and accessible...
When was the last time you reviewed your goals?
8. Set Clear Benchmarks: Success can be a long and tough journey. Install benchmarks to provide yourself rewards or encouragement along the way. The rewards can be a fancy lunch, new clothes or a weekend vacation. The benchmarks will keep reminding you of the progress you've made and provide continued motivation to persevere through difficult times.
What progress have you made this month?
Big or small, celebrate your accomplishments...
9. Remember Your Why: Why am I doing this? What was the original reason I set out on this path? Reflecting on your 'why' reminds one why this journey is worth your time.
Why is success important to you?
Audacity and perseverance generally win! Set yourself up for the win. Be intentional and encourage others to do the same... watch what happens.
How will you make this a Meaningful Monday?
...your choice... don't miss your opportunity...
You got this!
#intakescourage. #nevergiveup, #win. #leadbyexample, #shareyourgifts, #perseverence, #success, #levelup. #youmatter, #honoryourself, #justdoit, #dreambig, #responsibility, #learnandgrow, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment, #letsgo
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
9 Ways to Improve Your Perseverance Skills: