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Meaningful Monday

Coach Tavia

“The greatest discovery of all times is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”  

-Oprah Winfrey

How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

...Take a deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  calm your mind and be present...

attitude    |    noun    a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.  

a position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state.

truculent or uncooperative behavior; a resentful or antagonistic manner.

What’s your attitude saying about you?

...Think about that for a moment...

Attitude is a powerful thing. Our attitude:

  • determines our approach to life

  • determines our relationship with people

  • is often the only difference between success and failure

  • at the beginning of a task will affect its outcome more than anything else

  • can turn problems into blessings

Do things happen to you or for you?

...Sit with this question for a moment and let it sink in...

mindset    |    noun    the established set of attitudes held by someone.  habits of mind formed by previous experience.

shift    |    noun    a slight change in position, direction, or tendency.

How has attitude affected your mood and inhibited forward progress?

...are you ready to make the shift..? Something to seriously think about..

I challenge you to approach today believing everything that takes place is happening FOR you:

  • For your good

  • so you gain experience 

  • to increase knowledge

  • to build stamina

  • to inspire you 

  • to help inspire others 

  • to challenge you

When things are uncomfortable, that often produces the best results. Shift that mind.  Positive mindset and the development of a positive attitude is the first conscious step to becoming an effective leader. Believe, you have everything you need to succeed. Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens...

How are your showing up today?

...attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference... it's up to you...




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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