“Do not ever get agitated by provoking thoughts and actions. Always keep your calm. This will shame the alien.”
-Lailah Gifty Akita
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
Corona-virus... the elephant in the room that we can’t ignore. Or in this case the “alien”. Panic breads chaos... I am sure you have seen the news, or caught a glimpse of social media that supports the fact that times like these can bring out the worst in people. many stores have had to beef up security because of it.
How will you stay calm during these strange times?
...Think about it for a moment... Are you able to remain calm...?
8 Ways to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos: (by, Kevin Daum, Inc)
1. Maintain your routine: If you totally abandon your regular responsibilities, you'll create new problems and more chaos. Assess and prioritize issues within the context of your current workload. Communicate honestly so you can manage their expectations with others.
2. Take a break: Excuse yourself for a bit so you can step outside and regain your objectivity. Even if you stay at your desk, take a mental break with a short distraction. This will let you think through solutions for settling things down.
3. Slow down and breathe: Slow down the pace just enough so you can be methodical and careful. Hyperventilation never helps anyone, so take a few deep breaths and relax. If everyone stays focused and steady, much more can be accomplished in less time, making everyone more comfortable.
4. Identify and manage your stress points: Practice self-awareness. Know what pushes your buttons and prepare for the inevitable by monitoring your stress level. Disengage before you get past the point of no return.
5. Call for a timeout: No matter your position, you can be the voice of reason. Call for a momentary halt to the chaos, and quickly explain that 5 minutes of contemplation and calm discussion will help everyone be better organized. Then apply necessary measures to achieve the required objectives. If words aren't enough, bring in some food, which usually gets everyone's attention.
6. Keep perspective: Take a hard look at the repercussions of the problem as it relates to the big picture. Once you assess the potential fallout, isolate the issue to only those affected people so everyone else can go about their business.
7. Control what you can control: No need to waste valuable energy on things beyond your reach. Identify and resolve the issues you can solve quickly and efficiently first, so you have more resources later to calmly confront the bigger, more difficult problems.
8. Smile: Attitude is half the battle! High-stress teams dealing in trauma and emergencies are able to maintain not only their cool but also their humanity. They simply relax and smile in a comforting manner. With a simple honest smile, you can put yourself and others at ease and let everyone focus on the work rather than the emotion.
Whether at work, home, or in your social circles....
How are you showing up today?
Today's Challenge: Don't Panic
stay calm,
do what you can
And breathe... that's It! Share this information with others and encourage them to do the same.
You got this!
#calm, #peace, #mindfulness, #meditate, #takeadeepbreath, #leadbyexample, #learnandgrow, #selfawareness, #justdoit, #focus, #smile, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #herstory. #womenshistory, #leadership, #levelup, #letsgo
Coach Tavia