“Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into the space.”
How do the words above resonate with you?
Pause here and free yourself from distractions:
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
You are what you attract. Then conversely, you attract what you are. This makes the quote above urgently relevant.
How are you showing up?
If you are not bringing the energy you would prefer, here are 9 ways to make some positive adjustments!
9 Ways to Attract Good Energy Today and Every Day
(by Deep Patel entrepreneur.com)
1. Pay attention to the energy you’re emitting:
What kind of impression do you make on people? Do you exude a sense of peace, calm and happiness,,, or are you more gloom and doom?
If people avoid you and sidestep your assistance, you’re stuck at a lower, negative, vibration. Focus your energy on the positive.
2. Change the tone of your thoughts: If you want to attract good things, you must let the positive guide you. See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort. Replace negative thoughts with positive but realistic statements that inspire you to take action.
Reframe your thoughts:
“I know I will face challenges with this new situation, but I am capable of coming up with solutions to problems and I know I will adjust to these changes.”
3. Cut off negative influences: These negative influences can be people, places or things that have an unfavorable sway over your life. Cut off these negative influences and begin creating the life you want to live.
Look for the negative influences in your life. You may be able to completely avoid or remove some of them, which is a surefire way of eliminating that influence.
For those that are a permanent fixture, work to limit your exposure to them and mentally fortify yourself before you encounter them.
4. Expand your circle: Surround yourself with positive, successful go-getters who are supportive and caring. Keep company with those who bring positive energy with them, and make sure you nurture and protect those relationships. Look for people who will tell you the truth, and will always be honest with you, but never out of spite or with a desire to bring you down.
5. Embrace compassion and kindness: Small acts of kindness can have profound impacts on both the giver and the receiver. Research shows that people who are kind and compassionate to others are more satisfied with their lives, enjoy better physical and mental health, and have stronger relationships. Giving to others creates a positive feedback loop -- the more you give, the more good feelings you receive in return.
Write a positive message on a sticky note and leave it for someone to find,
buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in line
or simply taking a moment to smile as you pass a stranger.
How will you embrace kindness and compassion today?
6. Cultivate gratitude: Find time each day to think about the things you’re grateful for. By finding small ways to practice gratitude, you’ll allow yourself to let go of toxic emotions and replace those with positive thoughts:
Think of 5 things you're grateful for.
Think of at least one person you’re grateful to have in your life.
Keep a gratitude journal, where you can quickly jot down a list of little joys and things that give you a sense of happiness and contentment.
7. Find your inner strength: You have developed resilience by overcoming difficult situations -- this is your inner strength. Work to empower yourself by channeling your inner superhero. Recognize that you are strong and capable, equipped to handle whatever is thrown your way.
Idea: Name your Inner Superhero. Lead with that same energy!
8. Align your current self with your future self: If you want to have positive energy flowing through you, you need to start making decisions that will steer you to become the kind of person you want to be, with the job and relationships you want to have.
Ask yourself these questions:
What do you most desire in the world?
What goals and dreams are you working toward?
Now imagine what this life you want feels like:
Who are you in this ideal future? What are you doing?
Start to align your current self with the future self you want to become. The more actions you take toward the positive, the more you create your own favorable reality.
9. Act in good faith: Make it your policy to treat everyone you meet with respect and civility. Be nice to people and they will be nice to you. But more than that, don’t retaliate or react harshly when someone does something wrong. Act in good faith by treating everyone with compassion and graciousness, even if they aren’t doing the same. Your courteousness will come back to you in the form of good energy.
"You attract what you are, so be your best.” - Lynda Field.
What are you willing to do?
Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional. Encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.
You got this!
Coach Tavia
#positiveenergy, #responsibility, #commitment, #shift, #change, #believe, #ownyourpower, #maximizeyourpotential, #ownyourtruth, #honoryourself, #shareyourgifts, #seizeopportunity, #live, #becreative, #thinkforyourself, #reflect, #reach, #stretch, #bepositive, #bepresent, #learnandgrow, #accountability, #faith, #confidence, #ittakescourage, #focus, #trustyourself, #dothework, #beofservice, #releaseyourpower, #knowyourworth, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #leadershipdevelopment, #letsgo
9 Ways to Attract Good Energy Today and Every Day