"If you count all your assets, you always show a profit."
-Robert Quillen, Journalist
Good Morning Leaders,
November welcomes in time to reflect and thoughts of gratitude as we approach the holiday season and the ending of another year...
For me, on this All Saints Day, the day after Halloween, #TGIF has a whole new meaning....LOL. For that I am grateful.
To my Educator Family out there, who are working today, I sent up an extra prayer for you this morning (..LOLROF I remember those days...).
What comes to mind for you today?
Reread the quote above... think about it for a moment... breathe in... exhale slowly... no rush... just sit with your thoughts for a moment longer before you read on...
Question for you: (from Gay Hendricks, "A Year of Living Consciously")
What’s your fairy tale?
Think back to your teenage self.... what did you dream your life would look like...
How has that rose-colored vision changed because of reality?
Be honest... Life happens...
Ask yourself:
What don’t I have that I always thought I’d have?
What do I have I never expected?
...Spend some time here... the little things count too... dig deep...
How far apart are my fantasy and reality?
...fantasy is a good escape sometimes... also can be a motivator...
Friends, you are right where you are supposed to be... I challenge you to be open, present, live, enjoy life and each other.
You have a right to your uniqueness. Be you,,, Share your gifts. If you do the math right, your profits far out weigh any loss. It's a matter of perspective. Adapt a growth mindset. Challenge yourself to be better today than you were yesterday... and watch what happens.
#gratutude, #profits, #bepresent, #live, #intention, #learnandgrow, #shareyourgifts, #authenticityissexy, #beyoubutbetter, #growthmindset, #dreambig, #TGIF
You got this!
Coach TR