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Freedom Friday:

Tavia Robinson

“Let him that would move the world first move himself.”


How do the words above resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions:

Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

What do you need to move away from?

Think about that... what comes to mind...

We all have our triggers. We all have that person in our lives (some of us are luck enough to have more than one... LOL...) that can bring out the absolute beast in us! You can't escape them.

Maybe its a family member, your boss, co-worker, or friend that has the knack for pushing your buttons, The one who can weighs on the one nerve you've got left and you know in advance the exchange your engaged in will not end well. Sound familiar..?

What if I told you there is a ten-second window you have to where your response will change the pattern? You have ten-seconds to consciously break the cycle and take back your power.

It's time for you to breakthrough. Don't allow others, whoever they are, to zap your energy, destroy your mood, or raise your blood pressure. Are you ready to make some miracle moves? You owe it to yourself.

Today’s Challenge: Break the Cycle! "...You are always only ten-seconds away."

  1. Think of a pattern that repeats itself, to your distress, in a significant relationship:

The pattern: ____________________

2. Determine the ten-second window that precedes the destruction of flow... your cue:

The window: ____________________

3. Commit to making a miracle move the next time you receive this cue:

The old move: ____________________

4. Don't engage in your normal pattern of conflict. Stay with and honor your feelings:

The new move: ____________________

Move yourself... Create new habits... It's Friday... Free yourself!

Don’t miss your opportunity. Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia


Hendricks, Gay; A Year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose. Harper Collins New York, NY , 1998.




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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