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Freedom Friday

Coach Tavia

“If the cruelties of slavery could not stop us, the opposition we now face will surely fail. Because the goal of America is freedom, abused and scorned tho' we may be, our destiny is tied up with America's destiny.” 

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr How do the words above resonate with you? Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions: ...Take a deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  deep breath in...  exhale slowly...  calm your mind and be present... Today is Juneteenth.  The day we celebrate the emancipation of slavery in America.  The time during the Civil War, when enslaved people in the Confederate States of America were declared "free". We acknowledge the atrocities of the past, celebrate the advancement of the black community, and work toward a better future... In light of recent events, It makes sense to question whether true emancipation was ever achieved. Think about that for a moment... I pray the words above inspire us all to keep fighting the good fight. Don’t lose hope!  As Dr. King said,   “our destiny is tied up with America’s destiny.” The America we all helped build.  America, we are better then this. Free yourself this Friday... make time and find a quiet place to ask yourself these *questions.  I hope this will help keep us focused on the end goal: Freedom, Equality, and Justice for ALL: 

What, with all your heart, do you most want to know?

Follow your passion... think about what's important to you and focus on why... spend some time here... What, with all your heart, do you most need to learn? Knowledge is power! ...What's missing... what are you curious about, what question do you wish you had an answer to.... write it down, say it out loud...

What, with all your heart do you most want to contribute?

...share your gifts... where can you leverage your privilege and make things better for the next person...

 “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”            -Desmond Tutu

What are you willing to do? Don’t miss your opportunity.  Be intentional encourage others to do the same and watch what happens. You got this! Coach Tavia #doyourpart, #responsibility, #leadbyexample, #juneteenth, #eachoneteachone, #levelup, #leverageyourprivilege, #justdoit, #blacklivesmatter, #saytheirnames, #leadershipdevelopment, #vote, #lifecoach, #leadershipcoach, #focus, #letsgo, #Changeiscoming, #keephopealive

*The questions in today's blog message were taken from A Year of Living Consciously, by Gay Hendricks




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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