"Healing comes from taking responsibility: -to realize that it is you - and no one else - that creates your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.” -Peter Shepard How do the words above resonate with you? Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions: Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present... Reread the quote above... What are you thinking right now? ...what comes to mind... What feelings are coming up for you? Think about it for a moment... is it anger, joy, pride, relief... whatever it is... put it into words, write it down... How will you heal? Think about it... what do you do with those feelings... We are programmed to suppress our feelings, hide our emotions, and have been brainwashed to believe exposing how we feel is a sign of weakness. Balderdash! That’s where the trouble begins. We can only take in so much before we reach a breaking point... that usually doe not end well... Expressing your thoughts, facing your feelings, and taking responsibility for all of the above is what leads to actual healing. It is a process and takes practice. Understand we control our thoughts, feelings, and actions, they don’t control us. Change your mindset. Make taking healthy responsibility for your thoughts and feelings a priority. The power to do so starts with YOU! How will you make the shift and learn to take responsibility for your feelings?
Think about it... what will you do...?
Share your thoughts and allow others to do the same:
Have discussions, conversations, without judgement. be open
Express your feelings, don't keep them bottled up: whether verbally, journal writing, thorough music, the arts..
Don't ignore your feelings, reach out to some one you trust, a health professional, authority figure when needed
" The key is taking responsibility and initiative... and prioritizing your life around the most important things." -Steven Covey
Conscious Living Practice For Today: (From Gay Hendricks, a Year of Living Consciously)
Communication is Key: Create a less defensive communication environment
As you move throughout the day be intentional about the way you communicate with others. Create a less defensive communication environment:
Convert your feelings from a “you” orientation to an “I” orientation.
Use “I” to stay on track with taking responsibility for your feelings
Take responsibility for what you create.
Example: “You” Orientation: You made me late for work again!
“l”. Orientation: I feel frustrated I allowed myself to be talked into helping you when I knew I’d be late for work.
How will you create a less defensive communication environment?
It starts with you. Take healthy responsibility. Be intentional, encourage others to do the same and watch what happens. You got this! Coach Tavia 🌞
#communicationiskey, #healthresponsibility, #faceyourfeelings, #levelup, #speakup, #youmatter, #learnandgrow, #leadbyexample, #justdoit, #maketheshift, #honoryourself, #bethechange, #leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoach, #lifecoach, #win