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Freedom Friday:

Coach Tavia

“Courtesy dictates that we offer fellow wizards the opportunity of denying us entry.” J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter

Good Day Fellow Wizards,

How do Rowling’s words resonate with you?

Pause here for a moment and free yourself from distractions: Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...

The quote above made me laugh and kind of put things in perspective. We all handle things differently and our current state of affairs has put many people on edge.

How do you politely react to negative rude people? ...think about that for a moment...

The freaks are out there. Some just can’t help themselves and we have to deal with them. You have a right to defend yourself and speak your mind, but do you have a response ready that allows you to express yourself while still being positive and polite.

You can’t allow someone else’s rude behavior to bring out the beast in you. That would be counter productive and can often makes matter worse.

When people are rude to you, it reveals who the are not who you are. Don't take it personally.

Power of Positivity shares 9 Comebacks for dealing with Rude People:

1. Thank You: This simple response reflects maturity on your part and shows the other person that you didn't let their words affect you.

2. I appreciate your perspective: This intelligent response will show the offender that you will only continue the conversation with dignity and respect. They may actually respect you more for reacting in such a considerate way.

3. This conversation is now over: If you find yourself too angry to respond in a civil way, simply end the conversation. You don't want to disrespect yourself by pretending the offenders comments are acceptable. Choose the high road.

4. Why do you feel that was necessary, and do you really expect me to answer? Especially in group settings, this will likely put the person in check very quickly. Other people do need to know you don't tolerate rude or uncalled for comments. and you will call them out on their behavior. If they say 'yes" to the second part, simply reply with, "Well, it looks like this isn't your lucky day," and be done with the conversation.

5. That almost hurt my feelings: A little sarcastic, it tells the offender you choose not to absorb their negativity. Your maturity will probably discourage the other person from making any other nasty remarks once they realize you aren't affected by them.

6. You're right: It will make the person believe they were in the right in what they said and will likely cut the conversation short. What more can they say after this comeback? While you might not get as much satisfaction by using this tactic, it will put a damper on the other person's enjoyment since they won't get a rise out of you.

7. You always have something negative to say, don't you? This takes the attention off of you and back onto them. Not only will you draw the focus to their own words, but also force them to reconsider what the say in the future.

speaking your mind when a person's repeated behavior offends you is never wrong. The person's negativity likely affects other people, so making them aware of their toxic behavior will actually benefit you and others in the future.

8. I love myself, and I love you too: Use this one at your own discretion. More appropriate with friends and family. Saying it to your boss might get a strange look or worse...LOL.

Kindness always prevails over negativity. This response is highly effective at shutting rude people down. Darkness cannot thrive where light is present. Be the light!

9. Laugh: This reaction will catch the offender off guard and make them embarrassed for making the remark in the fist place.

You choose how to react in any given situation. Preserve your mood, spread love, be someones light, choose to be happy.

How will you choose to react to someone's rude of negative behavior today?

Your choice. Be intentional and encourage others to do the same and watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia

Related Article:

9 Comebacks for dealing with Rude People:




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