“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.”
– Langston Hughes
Happy Friday to All,
Langston Hughes, American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist, is best known as the leader of the Harlem Renaissance. He was also one of the earliest innovators of the literary art form "Jazz Poetry".one of the great poets of our time...
The quote above made me stop and think this morning....
How does the quote above resonate with you?
Pause here... take a deep breath in... exhale slowly.... deep breath in... exhale slowly... deep breath in... exhale slowly... calm your mind and be present...
What do you want?
... really want...
Where do you want to go?
...literally and figuratively... what are you trying to accomplish...
If your not there yet there are one of two things most likely in play...
(*Inspired by John C. Maxwell)
You did not seriously want it.. or want it bad enough... or perhaps,
You tried to bargain over the price
Think about that... number 2, especially... what are your thoughts...?
If you're serious, its time to #levelup! Ask yourself:
What am I building... developing?
What does the next level up look like?
How badly do I want to fulfill my purpose?
What will it take? What's the plan?
Something to seriously spend some time thinking about... I believe anything is possible. Believe in yourself, do the work... focus and make things happen.
You got this!
#followyourpassion, #focus, #beintentional, #honoryourself. #dothework, #learnandgrow, #plan, #practice, #leadbyexample, #nevergiveup. #befearless, #pictureit, #visualize, #audacityandperseverencegenerallywin, #justdoit, #letsgo, #nevergiveup, #responsibility, #purpose, #believe
Coach Tavia