"The universe will teach us our lessons with the tickle of a feather or the whomp of a sledgehammer, depending on how open we are to learning the particular lesson."
-Gay Hendricks
Good Day Good People,
As I thought about lessons learned... some recent, some long ago, I can recall a few "sledgehammer" sessions. LOL.. at the time it wasn't so funny... but laughing about now is a sign of growth, maturity and wisdom gained through that experience. Not so bad in my book, And, I'm grateful for it all...
How does the quote above resonate with you?
What's your learning style? Do you prefer the feather technique or are you better suited for the sledgehammer?
...lol...you can laugh... but be honest with yourself... give that some thought...
Pause right here... take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... repeat as many times as you need to... calm your mind and be present.
Friday's Focus: Reflect, Share, Connect:
It's Friday and a great time to reflect, share and connect with others. Don't miss your opportunity. Here a a few thought provoking questions so get the conversation started today:
What life lesson did you learn the hard way?
...we all have a few... be honest...
What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?
...dig deep... celebrate your progress and accomplishments... no matter how big or small...
If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
...No one's off the hook. Come up with something... think about who it would benefit...
My wish for you is that you are open and not to hard on yourself. Be willing to consider other options and different perspectives. Learn the lesson and enjoy the journey... Love and laugh more... Be present... engage, connect with others... encourage others to do the same. Let's be intentional and watch what happens.
#TGIF, #learnandgrow, #leadbyexample, #eachoneteachone, #intention, #freedom, #justdoit, #levelup, #letsgo, #connectwithothers, #shareyourgifts
You got this!
Coach Tavia