“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
– Albert Schweitzer
Good Day to all the bright and beautiful people I have had the opportunity to touch and connect with, encourage, inspire... and ultimately EMPOWER... for that I am eternally grateful...
Take a deep breath in... exhale slowly... repeat three times... calm your mind... pause... and be present in this moment...
The last month of the year is coming to a close. As you reflect on your journey, I encourage you to focus on the positive. No matter where you are, even if it’s not where you hoped to be, it might surprise you how far you’ve come.
What are you grateful for?
... don’t rush through this... dig deep... big or small list a minimum of ten things...
What have you accomplished this year?
...review the goals you set for yourself... where are you... what surprised you... you are still standing...
Who are the people that helped you along the way?
...maybe they don’t even know it... perhaps you didn’t realize how much they helped you get here either ... consider formally thanking them... be as specific as possible.
What stands out as your greatest accomplishment this year?
...Shout yourself out... pat yourself on the back... acknowledge your gifts with humility and continue to share them...
Today’s Kindness Challenge: Congratulate someone for an achievement or accomplishment that may go unannounced or recognized. Spread joy and suggest that others do the same.
Be intentional and watch what happens!
#positivity, #thejourneycontinues, #focus, #beencouraged, #leadbyexample, #shareyourgifts, #gratitude, #befearless, #letsgo, #bekindalways, #justdoit, #spreadjoy, #honoryourself, #beempowered, #inspireothers
You got this,
Coach Tavia