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Freedom Friday

Coach Tavia

"You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights."

-Maya Angelou

Happy Holidays...

I hope the above quote made you smile... laugh... or perhaps wonder what Maya Angelou was getting at with this one.

Think about that for a moment... Reread the above quote...

What are your thoughts?

As I thought about this, what came to my mind is that experience is the best teacher and reflecting on this past year I am grateful for my growth and maturity.

Irritating situations are unavoidable, especially this time of year. The pressure of the Holiday Season, year end goals, work stress, can bring out the BEAST in people.

"Take a break and chill because this is the time of year to rejoice, celebrate and also feel rewarded."

Celebrate your small victories. Reflect and reward yourself for personal growth and the positive things you've done this year.

What is a valuable lesson that you learned over the past year that you would share with your younger self, making life's journey a more pleasant one?

I challenge you this Friday to: Pose the above question to a co-worker. Get to know something about the people you interact with. Continue to end 2019 strong by intentionally building positive healthy relationships.

Don't miss this opportunity... watch what happens.

You got this!

Coach Tavia




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Created by The Clarke Groupe

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