“The only person I want to be is a better version on myself.”
Good Morning Leaders,
You are enough. You have a right to your uniqueness and nobody does it like you. Remember that and continue to shine!
Reflecting and looking at the ways we think is an excellent tool to become more self-aware. Something we don't often make time to do.
It's Friday, lets do it!
Thought provoking questions challenge us to live more consciously and create a more meaningful existence.
Today’s Affirmation: I am good with who I am and proud of who I am becoming.
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly... Sit with your thoughts for a moment and be present...
Are you ready?
RULES: Read the question and formulate an answer... Do NOT move to the next question until you have an answer. (*Have fun with it... you might be surprised what you learn about yourself. Then, pose the questions to others today*.)
What would you change about this world?
(...Think about it... don't rush... this question is meant to be wide open and general...allowing you a broad range of material to draw from.)
Assume you were given the power to change one aspect of this world, what would it be? (Only one)
Would you change something about yourself or your own life?
(...Think about this... would you change something about your "self" or an aspect of your life...)
Would you change something that helps other people lead a better life, even if you did not benefit from it? (Why..explain)
What are you learning about yourself..? Did the answers immediately come or did you have to dig deep..? Did you struggle with any particular question..? What surprised you..?
Refocus... shift gears... Here we go:
Is it more important to do things right than to do the right thing?
Think about it... By doing things right, you can accomplish great success... At the same time, doing things right does not always imply that you are doing the right thing...
Is it really more important to do things right instead of doing the right thing?
...Just because someone has attained greatness in a specific area or activity, does not mean the act was was necessarily the right thing to do...
Is it better to do the right thing even if you cannot always do it right? (Explain your reasoning)
Life is a journey and we continue to evolve. Have fun! Why not enjoy the ride? Become more self aware and engage with others. As you learn and grow, you allow others to do the same.
#selfawareness, #mindfulness, #learnandgrow, #beyoubutbetter, #yourareenough, #shareyourgifts, #evolve, #whatsuccesslookslike, #bepresent, #leadbyexample, #leaderslead, #authenticityissexy
You Got this!
Coach Tavia
Related Article:
40 Deep and Thought-Provoking Questions That Make you Think
Thank you for your feedback. I’m with you 100%.
Good Freedom Friday ,
An altruistic person would have no trouble answering these very thought provoking questions. We must work on having concern for the betterment of not only ourselves, but others we may encounter.