“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”
-Oprah Winfrey
Good Morning,
It is back to school in New Jersey. The memory of preparing for the arrival of new students has never left me... even though I haven’t served in that role in quite some time. It got me thinking though...
What does an educated person look like today?
Think about that for a moment... what do you picture in your mind... how has it changed from when you were a student in the K-12 years...
How do we ensure those without privilege have equal access to quality education and opportunity?
Huummmm... the latest headlines remind us the urgency of addressing this question.... what are your thoughts...
How do we evaluate and validate the informal, self-directed learning that happens outside of school?
Interesting question that one may not of thought of.... what role do you play here.....
My Friends,
It takes a village, and we are all a part of one. Do your part... Support teachers... school districts... Stay informed...
Most of all support our children. The worlds most treasured commodity deserves a quality education.
What will you do to ensure our kids get what they deserve?
You got this!
Coach Tavia