The Power of EM

Life Transition – Helping clients cope with the transitional moments that appear during our lifetimes. Whether it’s a change in career, living or family circumstances, we help you sort through the clutter of life and manage the transitional moment.
Loss Recovery – How do you handle the loss of a loved one or a significant relationship like a divorce or separation. These moments come at each of us. And if we’re not careful, they can overwhelm and potentially cause lasting damage. We help provide coping mechanisms and help you confront the emotional shift in your life.
Life Reconfiguring – There are moments in your life where you want to shake things up and set a new course. We help you take what’s in your life’s attic, toss out what’s not needed, acquire the right new tools and reconfigure your life.
Contact us at or at 732.743.5012 to get started today!