EMagination – The journey to a better you begins with the vision. To get where you’re going, you first must imagine yourself there. So many of us, however, cannot see the destination. Perhaps we never saw it to begin with, or maybe we’ve lost sight of where we’re headed. Clearing away the obstacles and reconnecting with the goal is step one in moving forward. Empower Coaching and Consulting reacquaints you with the destination. We work with you to clearly define your goals, understand what it takes to get there, determine how you may have become derailed and equip you for strategies to succeed.
EMotion – How many times have you heard you have the power to change? Probably 10 times within the past two days. To hear “them” say it, change is an easy thing to do; it’s just a matter of step 1, step 2, step 3, just add water and voila! But, if that were so, we’d all be much further along. Truth is simply installing a few best practices and changing a few habits will not promote the significant attitude adjustments necessary to change. Most often you must dig deep to find the mental, spiritual and moral configuration of our existence. We need to understand at the emotional level why we do what we do. Why we are where we are. Empower Coaching and Consulting works with you to uncap issues that may have been bottled up inside. We reconnect you to your emotions and free you to fly.
EMergence – Once your emotions are released the path finally is clear to emerge from where you’ve been into your new reality. This is the most exciting of the four states of EM, but it also is the most precarious. By now, you’ve caught the vision, you know what’s been holding you back and you’re ready to take flight, but actually flying will require yet another level of equipping and preparation. In this state, Empower Coaching and Consulting gives you the tools you need for sustained improvement. We help you to step into daylight properly, at a pace that suits you.
EMpowerment – In this final state you meet the new you. You see where you’ve come from and are walking in your new light. In this phase, you take on tasks applying the mechanisms you’ve discovered throughout your coaching experience. Here, Empower Coaching and Consulting transitions into a monitoring and advisory role where we track your progress and assist you in making the minor adjustments necessary to stay on course.