Tavia Robinson knew August 15, 2015 was going to be a special day, she’d been expecting it weeks in advance. Stuffing the last few items in her luggage, Tavia awoke that morning bright-eyed and eager to get her trip to Martha’s Vineyard underway. It had been a long, stressful year and some away time among friends in New England’s salty air was just the prescription to bring relief.
The trip up I-95 that day was uneventful as you’d expect most road trips would be. Motorists sped along the interstate jostling for position, switching lanes pushing toward their destinations. Truckers punctuated the highway asserting their will among the smaller vehicles. It’s a dance most of us are familiar with. At one point, traffic merged down from three lanes to one, and in that moment, life never would be the same again for Tavia Robinson.
A truck barreled down striking a vehicle and setting off a chain reaction that tossed automobiles to and fro and flung the car Tavia was driving in from the road onto the roof of another car.
Fortunately, Tavia walked away. She was bruised. She had fractures. She had a concussion. But she was alive.
A couple of the friends she was traveling with weren’t so fortunate. Two of them died there on their way to a vacation getaway.
To understand Tavia Robinson, you must know August 15, 2015 and its impact on her life -- how right then, Tavia’s previous understanding collided with the reality of a life unfulfilled. She realized in that tragic event's aftermath that she must point herself in a decidedly different direction. Tavia knew the time to make a difference was right then.
Empower Coaching & Consulting is Tavia Robinson celebrating her re-birth, using her gift to ignite the fire in others. Combining more than three decades of professional experience and advanced certified coach instruction, Tavia discovered how to bring together the joy of work and her passion to inspire.